Magic(k) is simple… Learn to create your reality

philip horváth
8 min readAug 28, 2019



There are libraries filled with what has been written about magic(k), the “ the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will“ as uncle Al put it.

What was once “occult”, hidden, and only accessible to select initiates of secret societies, is now plastered all over the internet. Information that people died to protect in the past, is now freely available to anyone who decides to care enough and take on the path of individuation — which few people actually do.

Individuation is not an easy road, so be warned. Magic(k) might be simple, but living it and showing up for the results you create is not easy and will probably shake you at your core.

You will have to be willing to die in order to discover yourself anew again and again — as an ever stronger individual.

Being an individual is, of course, diametrically opposed to being a good (read “easily governed”) citizen, which is why churches and governments alike have suppressed and vilified magic(k) over the centuries and prosecuted its practitioners and teachers.

Because of this prosecution, most magic(k) literature has been encoded in strange symbols, and often purposely falsified, so that only those, who really cared deeply, would find the tools to change reality. This false information has been widely spread and often repeated and copied by those sufficiently happy with half-truths and superficiality. Consequently, there is a lot of crap out there, and it takes some effort to sift through the loads of confusing information.

But it doesn’t have to be that difficult, and we live in a time, when we can only truly address our global issues, if individuals decide to show up as such: Own their individuality and the responsibility and stewardship for their reality — including all that comes with that.

From what I have learned from the books of the ancients, studying various esoteric and occult traditions, hanging with yogis and mystics in India and shamans in South America, magic(k) is actually quite simple:

Magic(k) is about intention, imagination, ritual and will.

It all starts with intention. Why are you doing what you are doing?

The four kinds of Magic(k)

My friend sparked this beautiful metaphor for me, when we talked about intention and the consequent different kinds of magic:

  • There is black magic, which is when you think that in order for you to get yours, someone else has to suffer. It is the magic of win-lose, of greed, of egomania, of giving a shit about others while enjoying your power trip (which does usually end up badly eventually — there is that thing they call karma in eastern thought…)
  • There is white magic, which is when you think that in order for everyone to get theirs, you have to suffer. It is the magic of lose-win, of martyrs, of those willing to put everyone else’s needs before their own. The silently strong ones, who take care of their community, even if it is at their own expense.
  • There is brown magic, lose-lose, which is what most people practice. It is when you create shit for yourself and the people around you. It is the magic(k) of the unconscious masses, those who blindly follow their initial imprints, negative self-fulling prophecies, and other people’s assumed authority. It is the magic(k) of those who never take control of their probability tunnels, and continuously suffer and make others suffer as a result.
  • Finally, there is technicolor magic, win-win, when you use your brain for fun and profit as Uncle Bob put it. It is when you take control of your reality tunnel, consciously change your imprints and conditioning, make life meaningful, and create your own stories (realizing that nobody really knows what is going on with reality anyway, so you might as well create your own mythologies).

Why you engage in magic(k) provides you with your intention, the basic building block of creating reality, the purpose of your great work.

If you cannot imagine it, you cannot build it

Once you are clear on your intention, you have to visualize what you want to create. Unfortunately, we suffer from a lack of imagination in our world. Children are systematically trained not to imagine, but instead are tested on and forced to buy into prefab realities, visions of those who wish to govern them.

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” — Pablo Picasso

Not being able to imagine a positive future is a pervasive issue in our society.

Having lived in Los Angeles for many years, I met many film buffs and professionals. I always asked them if they knew any movies that portrayed a positive human future. Usually, the results were dismal. While we have plenty of apocalyptic visions of the future, from zombies eating our brains to robots or evil AIs taking over the world, positive visions of the future are tough to come by.

Individuals aren’t faring much better. In a world of uncertainty, many people have no idea as to what their future life might look like. Living from month to month, from paycheck to paycheck, few dare to create a vision of who they could become.

The problem with this lack of imagination is that if we wish to build something, the first step is to imagine it.

If we wanted to build a table, the first step would be to imagine it, whether it would be round or square or rectangular, how many legs it would have, what materials we would want to build it out of; then we could sketch it, determine what we would need to make it happen, and ultimately build it.

Without imagination we are missing the very first crucial step in creating anything.

In magic(k), imagination, the second step, is used to visualize the desired outcome. After setting intention, we now project a desired future — the more detail around the emotional connection and the more emotionally charged we can create it, the better.

Rituals program the unconscious

The third step in magic(k), after setting intention and visualizing the desired outcome is to create a ritual to program this vision into the subconscious.

We are creatures of habit. Most of what we do every day is based on subconscious processes. That is not a bad thing as such. If we had to learn walking, talking, brushing our teeth again and again, we would not be able to function. The issue is not with us forming habits, the issue is that we lack the tools to create new habits or change habits when they do not serve us (any longer).

We are quantum machines, constantly collapsing possibility into actuality. The majority of what we create is unconscious.

Hence the third step of magic(k) is creating a ritual in order to program our subconscious.

Here, we take our initial intention and vision of our desired future and collapse it into a symbol of some sort (for example a sigil), or connect them to an existing symbol (e.g. the symbol of a demon — demons representing different regions of the brain — see S.L. “ MacGregor” Mathers’ “The Lesser Key of Solomon/Goetia”). This symbol acts as a shortcut, supports faster access to our vision, and helps to spark our subconscious continuously going forward.

We perform a ceremonial ritual that takes us out of our routine brain functioning and creates neuroplasticity, for example by chanting very specific, but often meaningless babble, or performing elaborate processes with high attention.

The more senses are involved, the better (sight through symbols and the setup of our magic(k) chambers and circle, sound through chants or bells, smell through incense, taste through elixirs, wine or sacraments, touch through wearing special robes and movements).

Ritual allows us to make a strong emotional connection and deeply program our intention and vision into our nervous system, so that it will ultimately become part of how we collapse our quantum field.

In addition to an initial intention ritual, daily rituals further serve to strengthen our magic(k) by serving as a reminder and connection to the emotional state we wish to experience. From simple moments of taking a conscious breath or two, to more elaborate rituals like yoga or exercise, meditation or journal writing, these rituals support us in strengthening our resolve and will.

Show up for the new reality unfolding

Once we programmed our intention into our reality, the initial part of magic(k) is done. Now we get to sit back and watch reality unfold in new ways. Synchronicities and weird coincidences will likely occur. And even more likely to occur are situations that will now challenge us to become the person we need to be in order to live in our desired reality.

Your ritual did not just set up a new version of what is out there, but also a new version of who you need to be in order for that reality to occur.

So you will likely be challenged to become that.

“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” — Kierkegaard

When we feel anxious, it is a sign that who we are and who our reality needs us to be are incongruent. We now have two options:

  1. Insist on remaining who we are and enforcing our negative ideas of self as “not good enough” in some form, maybe depress that for a while, until we end up becoming depressed (or go crazy).
  2. Ask ourselves who we would need to become in order not to feel anxious in light of the situation we are facing.

The first option will spin off a whole lot of new realities that eventually allow us to become who we set out to be. As the wise ones say: “every problem repeats itself not just until it is solved, but until we have outgrown our belief in the necessity of its existence…” It is the painful path of resistance.

The second option is when we bring to bear our Will and willingly give up who we are for who we could become, and hence complete our magic(k)al journey.

As we become who we need to be for our vision to come to be, it is moving closer and closer into our reality. The stronger our will and the quicker we are able to adjust to new circumstances, the faster we will create the desired outcomes — and the reality we want to experience.

Life is an exploration

Life seems to continue to expand in its complexity: from single cells to plants, to animals, to complex beings like ourselves and the — now planetary — networks we create with each other.

If there was no other purpose in life to be found, the continuous growth of our understanding of self and other seems like it could provide lifetimes of material.

And again, while it might be simple, it isn’t necessarily easy…

And also never more important than today…

Especially in current times, we need more individuals to take responsibility for their lifetime, and take on creating new futures, not the dystopian ones peddled by Hollywood. Otherwise, we might not be here as humanity in the near future.

We need YOU to create a better future. For yourself, your spheres of concern, and ultimately for the planet.

So go and practice magic(k) — as consciously as you can.

“Our method is Science, Our aim is Religion.”

— Aleister Crowley; Motto for the Aஃ Aஃ (1907)


The future belongs to those who create it. That is why I serve as a culture catalyst and planetary strategist for visionary leaders. Through my work with LUMAN and other projects, I provide frameworks and operating metaphors to support leaders around the world in their individual evolution and in growing innovation capacity in their teams and organizations — all with the aim of a planetary society. I have worked with startups, NGOs and with global Fortune 500 organizations in a variety of industries around the world. More at



philip horváth
philip horváth

Written by philip horváth

culture catalyst ★ planetary strategist — creating cultural operating systems at planetary scale — tweeting on #future, #culture, #leadership @philiphorvath

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