Vision is your light at the end of the tunnel
It’s easy to see darkness all around.
social and
political systems
decay and break down,
viral and meme pandemics,
the technology race,
the childish and dangerous use of those technologies -
all feel like walls of the tunnel closing in,
leaving self in question and
enveloping everything in the dark chaos of uncertainty.
Our challenges have become to big to grasp.
Terror is an appropriate response.
Awe is the terror of beholding something greater than ourselves. The present can feel awe-full…
It’s easy to feel defeat and lose yourself in apathy.
And then what?
Sit in darkness.
Allow the chaos.
Allow the overwhelm.
As your amygdala jumps between freeze, flight, fight and friend, and back and forth, sit with it.
Allow death.
Allow the anger at broken promises of past futures.
Allow the sorrow. Allow the grief for the loss of a world you once knew
(or thought you knew at least a little bit).
Allow your tears to roll to the ground.
Sit with it.
Allow fermentation.
Allow you.
You have made it this far.
You are alive.
You are a life.
You are life.
Life always finds a way forward.
When we don’t know where to go, we can choose where we want to go.
Allow forgetting what was.
Allow yourself to be here and now.
Allow yourself to dream the future.
What world would you want to live in?
What life would you want to live?
See it as clearly as you can.
Feel it as deeply as you can.
Feel it as if it was already true.
Feel it until your alimentary canal puckers on both ends.
Commit to it in your heart.
Allow it to be true.
Allow it to be at least possible.
Turn on that light in the distance.
Then get to work.
Find something you can do to move in that direction.
Do it.
Do it again.
And again.
When you feel the darkness creeping in,
when things get hard,
when things seem impossible,
Take a deep breath.
The darkness is also true.
Then remember what could be.
Who you could be.
Who you want to have been.
Feel into it.
Allow that sensation of anticipatory joy of the future.
Feel the future you are creating.
You are the one with the light switch.
Take a deep breath.
Take another step.
Your vision is your light at the end of the tunnel.
Follow it step by step.
Otherwise, you are just lost in darkness
— and where is the fun in that?
Written for Defy Apathy, August 31, 2020.
I turn people on to themselves and their capacity to create. More at